

What is F.A.Q. ?

FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions, is the system of frequently asked questions divided into sections, in which are located the relevant answers. If you didn´t find the answer in the FAQ system, we will gladly answer your questions in the customer support section.



What is the webhosting? I want to be the owner of. sk domain which I bought together with the webhosting. Do I have to be self-employed, or entrepreneur?
I have already registered a domain, how do I configure DNS?
What is the address of the FTP server where my site is located and on which port is running?
How do I configure outgoing and incoming mail?
Can I use instead of e-mail client the Web client (webmail)?
Is the web interface for database management also available?
Is the control panel for management of my webhosting and domain also available?


Virtual Servers

What is the virtual server?
What are the advantages of a virtual server?
What is the transfer rate the virtual servers are connected with?
What happens if I surpass the volume of data transferred?
Do I need another IP address? What about pricing?
How do I connect to the control panel?
I do not know how to manage the servers. What next?



What is the serverhousing? What is the transfer rate the servers are connected to the internet with?
Is it possible to place larger servers than the package allows?
What happens if I surpass the volume of data transferred?
Do I need another IP address? What about pricing?
I do not know how to manage the servers, what next?
Is it possible to send servers by courier or it is necessary to bring them in person?

  • English
  • Slovenčina
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